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Members Section



The Members section in Miestro is where you manage all the members of your site. Whenever someone signs up, their details are automatically added here. This section provides a range of tools to help you organize, track, and manage both members and admins efficiently.


Key Features of the Members Section


  1. Bulk Import and Export: At the top of the page, you have the option to bulk import contacts, which allows you to add multiple members at once using a CSV file. Similarly, you can export your list of members to a CSV file for external use, such as email campaigns or backup purposes.
  2. Add Member Button: If you need to manually add a new member to your site, you can use the Add Member button. This is useful for adding members who didn’t sign up through the regular process or for providing special access to someone.
  3. Member/Admin Toggle: You can toggle between viewing only members or including admins in the list. This is useful if you want to differentiate between regular members and those with administrative privileges.
  4. View Options: On the right-hand side, you’ll find options to switch between enlarged view and compact view. The enlarged view provides more details per member, while the compact view allows you to see more members at a glance.
  5. Filter and Sort:
    • Filter Button: The filter feature allows you to narrow down the list based on specific criteria, such as members who are enrolled in a particular product. This helps you quickly find and manage specific groups of members.
    • Sort Button: You can also sort the list by various attributes, such as name, role, or last activity, making it easy to organize your members according to your needs.


Member List

Miestro University - Google Chrome 2024-09-21 at 12.42.01 AM


Below the controls, you’ll find the list of members, each with several key details:

  1. Name: The member’s name is displayed for easy identification.
  2. Role: This shows whether the person is a member or admin, helping you distinguish between user types.
  3. Real-time Status: This indicates whether the member is currently active or offline on the platform.
  4. Email: Each member’s email address is displayed, allowing for quick communication or identification.
  5. Date Added: This shows when the member first signed up for your site.
  6. Last Activity: This tracks the member’s most recent interaction on your site, helping you monitor engagement.


Member Actions

To the far right of each member entry, you’ll see a More Info button and additional controls:

  • More Info Button: Clicking this will expand the member’s profile, providing more detailed information about their activity and engagement on your site. Here, you can:
    1. Grant Offer: Give the member access to specific products they may not have initially signed up for.
    2. Assign Roles: Change their role from a member to an admin or another custom role.
    3. Full Profile Page: There’s also a button that takes you to the full profile page of the member, where you can see all their details and history.

  • Three Dots Icon: Clicking the three dots icon opens a menu with additional quick actions, such as editing or removing the member, or sending them a specific communication. 


Bulk Actions

If you need to manage multiple members at once, you can use the Checkbox Icon located at the top left of the list. By selecting multiple members, you can perform bulk actions such as assigning them to products, changing their roles, or deleting them from the platform. This is particularly useful for streamlining large-scale member management tasks.


The Members Section provides everything you need to effectively manage your community, from importing new members and assigning roles to tracking engagement and organizing user data. With powerful filtering, sorting, and bulk action tools, this section ensures that you can efficiently handle all aspects of member management within Miestro.