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Step 1: From the Miestro dashboard, click on Blog in the left-hand menu.

Step 2: From  here, you can complete the following fields:

Blog Title: Enter the title for the blog page.

Blog Subtitle: Enter the subtitle for the blog page.

Title color: Choose color for the blog page

Blog Cover Image: Click Upload Now to upload an image for your blog page.

Step 3: When all fields are complete, click Start Blog.

Step 4: To an article for your blog page, click the Add New Article button.

Step 5:Complete the fields under the Post Details section:

Blog Image: Click Upload Now to select an image for the blog post.

Title: Enter the article title.

Subtitle: Enter the article subtitle.

Add Author: Choose author

Content: Enter the blog post content. Use the text formatting functions to format the blog post text.

Step 6:Click Save.

Step 7: Under the Visibility section, select Published or Unpublished to publish or unpublish the post. You can also select a specific publishing date.

Step 8: Click Save.

Step 9: Under the Organization section, select any applicable categories for the blog post.

Step 10:Under the SEO and Sharing section, complete any of the following fields as desired:

Custom URL: Customize the blog post URL.

SEO Title: Enter the SEO page title.

SEO Description: Enter the SEO page description.

Featured Image: Click Upload Now to upload a page image.

Step 11: Click Save.